The ModelSim command window responds to cd and mkdir commands, or you may use the File->Change Directory menu item to navigate to a directory of your choice. So, start by creating a new directory somewhere else on your computer and change your working directory there. As this directory is my installation path, this is certainly not a directory where I would want to work with my simulation projects. The example above shows my default working directory after I start ModelSim Altera Edition for the first time. To view the path of your current working directory, type the pwd command in the ModelSim command window: ModelSim> pwd
However, if you know how to use the built-in command in VHDL it would be appreciated. When you work with ModelSim, it always has the context of a current working directory. I need it in simulating my program in ModelSim + Quartus. This will be our default view for a later tutorial on Advanced VHDL Simulation. Required default libraries for advanced VHDL simulation

When you start up ModelSim Altera Starter Edition, you are greeted with the Library view, showing all the pre-compiled libraries as delivered with the simulator:įig 3.

Invoke ModelSim from Quartus: Tools Run Simulation Tool RTL Simulation 2. You are ready to use ModelSim to perform the testbench simulations, but first you need to compile your design files in ModelSim 1. It has mixed-language support, supports VHDL-2008, and with their free edition you may run any number of instances. Compilation in ModelSim-Altera Now that you have created and compiled the project in Quartus II. The scope of VHDL use clauses and VHDL library clausesįor advanced VHDL verification, the ModelSim Altera Starter Edition is an excellent option.
You may also find this book on Google Books. Also, I suggest you read the following posts on the Sigasi website: I write Verilog code to model an inverter logic gate, compile that Verilog code into a model whose behavior I can simulate, and simulate the behavior of that. Ashenden’s excellent book “The Designer’s Guide to VHDL” and then read chapter 5.4 on the subject. This article is about understanding libraries in ModelSim, and how to tweak their location and visibility.īefore proceeding, you should have a proper understanding of the concept of libraries in VHDL.
This is a follow-up to my article “Advanced VHDL verification on a budget”.